[Toucan Tuesday] Achievement Unlocked! I'm Certified!

Finally Write Your Novel

Hi Reader!

While on vacation I got some amazing news.

My book coach certification application was accepted, and I am officially an Author Accelerator Certified Book Coach! I instantly burst into tears. That certification was HARD WORK.

I wrote up a blog post aaaalll about it here in order to keep this email short.

The certification team mentioned my excitement and enthusiasm for my clients and their projects at least three times in their feedback about my application.

They said it is infectious.

As an award-winning horror author, my mind immediately went to contagious diseases and pandemics (is it too soon to talk about pandemics?) and, of course, zombies.

I am Patient Zero of excitement and enthusiasm.

And THAT is what I bring most to all of my coaching! If there is one thing I can almost guarantee, it's this:

You will walk away from every interaction with me with renewed excitement for your project and motivation and inspiration to get started, to keep going, to get your book written. To reach The End.

Thank you for being here. I can't wait to work with you someday, so you can witness first hand the contagion of my excitement and enthusiasm!

Keep writing!


P.S. If you're ready to write an unforgettable and unputdownable novel that connects with your reader's soul, check out how we can work together here.

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August Story Prompt

This month's story prompt is...

box of hair

Kira's Korner

Introducing a new section! This is my beloved pittie mix Kira. From now on, you can find a picture of her here!

Kind words from amazing clients

"I think you have a rare gift in your particular capacity to blend knowledge of writing approaches with the psychology of avoidance behaviors in writers. Add to that, you are blessed with the warmest smile and sense of humor that you use to put your student at complete ease. There's professionalism - because you know your stuff - but you infuse it with humility, openness, and being real."

Judalon de Bornay, author of Great Crossing

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👋 Hi! I'm Claire L. Fishback!

Author Accelerator Certified Book Coach, accountability and mindset coach for writers, project manager, award-winning horror author, amazing wife, dog mom, and your future book coach! From concept to creation, I help self-published and aspiring self-published novelists develop their story sparks into novel-worthy ideas so they gain clarity, confidence, inspiration, and motivation, to reach The End!

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9878 W. Belleview Ave., Suite 2322, Denver, Colorado 80123

Finally write the novel burning in your soul!

Hi! I'm Claire! An enthusiastic and imaginative author coach who uses way too many exclamation points, talks too much about my beloved pittie mix, Kira, and is fueled by inspiring and motivating fellow writers! From concept to creation, I help self-published and aspiring self-published novelists write unforgettable and unputdownable books by creating a deep and meaningful connection with their stories that ultimately creates a deep and meaningful connection with their readers! Sign up today to get a coupon for 10% off anything in my digital shop!

Read more from Finally write the novel burning in your soul!
A carved sign that reads You Are Awesome

Finally Write Your Novel Hi Reader! Just wanted to send you a quick note to let you know you are amazing. You are always enough. You are whatever you want to be in whatever way you want to be it. You are a creative energy filling the world with your brilliance and light. You are everything you need to be and more. No one else can tell your stories the way you can. No one else can show the world the messages you have learned in your life through your stories the way you can. No one else can...

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