
Finally write the novel burning in your soul!

[You Can, Toucan!] What does your dream writing life look like?

Published about 1 month ago • 3 min read


Hi Reader!

I forgot to mention three things last week:

  1. My dear friend and author LS Hawker was the one who helped me save my website after I destroyed it. In addition to writing bestselling thrillers, she's also a website designer and has packages for designing author websites. Everything I know about website design with Divi and Wordpress, I learned from her.
  2. Happy Spring if you’re in the northern hemisphere!
  3. and.. I hit a milestone of 1,000 downloads on my podcast!

“You have a PODCAST!?” you ask.

Sort of… but not really…

Back in 2022 I launched the You Can, Toucan! Podcast (later rebranded as the Busy Author Podcast). I diligently released an episode a week for 13 weeks straight before burning out so badly I couldn’t even THINK about recording another episode.

Listen... if something you’re doing doesn’t align with your energy or it no longer gives you the passion and drive it did before, then consider this my permission to back away and take a break.

I ended up putting the whole thing on hiatus in January 2023. In fact, I haven’t even rebuilt the show notes pages on my new website yet. 😅

But you know what? I’m getting a nudge… a calling… to start it up again. I keep thinking of names for it. Like Finally Write Your Book, or Finally Type The End, or something else… and riff on a possible intro. BUT! That’s for future Claire to worry about! Current Claire has other things to think about.


I really want to know more about you!

I would love to do like a series of little feature posts showcasing your amazing writing life dreams and responding to your struggles. Anonymously, of course, unless you want me to put your name and website on it. 😊

If you’re new-ish to my world, forgive me if you’ve already answered the first question.

Hit reply and let me know...

  1. What is your biggest struggle when it comes to writing?
  2. What does your dream writing life look like?

I’ll be the one replying, not some robot auto responder thing (well, you might get an auto-response first, but then I’ll answer after that).

That’s all for now! Next Monday will be the first day of my Creative New Year (more on that on April 1st).

Keep writing!


P.S. Still one spot open in the Writer Accountability beta program! Check out the deets here or Fill out the survey here to get started! Deadline is March 30th!

What's going on in Toucan Land?

📙 Novel-Worthy Idea Workbook

This baby was a smash hit! Thanks to all who downloaded it. If you haven't grabbed it yet, be sure to do so by March 30th. After that, it'll cost $10+ to get it!

Get the Novel-Worth Idea Workbook Now →

📣1:1 Writer Accountability beta program

One more spot open! Snag it before it's too late!

Check out the deets here or get started by filling out the form below.

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📚 Open Book Coaching Spots

April spots for book coaching are all filled up!

But I'm wide open in May! Check out how we can work together.

Work With Me →

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New here? Forget who I am?

👋 Hi! I'm Claire L. Fishback!

Author coach and story strategist, project manager, award-winning horror author, amazing wife, dog mom, and your future book coach! From concept to creation, I help self-published and aspiring self-published novelists develop their story sparks into novel-worthy ideas so they have the inspiration and motivation they need to reach The End and beyond!

Not your jam? No worries. You can Unsubscribe at anytime. I'll be sad to see you go for sure, but I also know I'm not for everyone. If you click the unsubscribe link, you'll be unsubscribed from all mailings (including any updates about anything you've purchased).

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9878 W. Belleview Ave., Suite 2322, Denver, Colorado 80123

Finally write the novel burning in your soul!

Claire L. Fishback, PMP, Book Coach & Story Strategist

Hi! I'm Claire! An enthusiastic and imaginative author coach who uses way too many exclamation points, talks too much about my beloved pittie mix, Kira, and is fueled by inspiring and motivating fellow writers! From concept to creation, I help novelists and aspiring novelists develop their story sparks into novel-worthy ideas so they have the inspiration and motivation they need to reach The End and beyond! Sign up today to get a coupon for 10% off anything in my digital shop!

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