[Toucan Tuesday] A writer’s nightmare…

Finally Write Your Novel

Hi Reader!

A writer's nightmare is losing her work because she failed to hit save or back things up. But that's not what I'm talking bout today

While writing up the content for the Dull to Dynamic masterclass, I found I wasn’t exactly excited about putting this one out into the world as a masterclass (maybe because the word masterclass has negative connotations for me).

Anyway, instead of creating a masterclass, I’m going to create a mini-course with a PDF downloadable guide, and audio or video, plus a private podcast to listen on the go. Much like the Write More in Less Time mini-course and the 30-Day Challenge Upgrade.

That being said, I’d love to know, “What is your nightmare book review?”

The truth is in the nightmare, after all. *wicked grin*

Chances are, if you have a fear about what people might criticize your book for, it might already be true.

For example, a recent manuscript evaluation client of mine put this as her nightmare book review:

Boring story, horrible writing, couldn’t get through it.

When I read her book, it was really well written (so that cancels the second fear). I loved her characters. But I wasn’t like, skipping school to read in the bathroom or anything. I wasn’t drawn to it. It wasn’t compelling.

So I knew how to coach her to make it compelling, and let me tell you. When I read her book again, even though I’d read it twice before, it was so compelling I teared up with pride.

In the interest of making this mini-course the best it can be with the most useful information, I’d love to know, what is your nightmare book review?

If you don’t have a book out, or you’re just starting on your novel writing adventures, what does your self-doubt whisper in your ear about your ability to write?

Please fill out this super quick survey and let me know! The first five people to respond will get 10 Toucan Tokens!

Keep writing!


P.S. Get 10 Toucan Tokens by filling out this brief survey!

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Dull to Dynamic mini-course!

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Writing my next novel! The third book in my trilogy!

July Story Prompt

travel agent was wrong.

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👋 Hi! I'm Claire L. Fishback!

Author coach and story strategist, project manager, award-winning horror author, amazing wife, dog mom, and your future book coach! From concept to creation, I help self-published and aspiring self-published novelists develop their story sparks into novel-worthy ideas so they gain clarity, confidence, inspiration, and motivation, to reach The End!

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9878 W. Belleview Ave., Suite 2322, Denver, Colorado 80123

Finally write the novel burning in your soul!

Hi! I'm Claire! An enthusiastic and imaginative author coach who uses way too many exclamation points, talks too much about my beloved pittie mix, Kira, and is fueled by inspiring and motivating fellow writers! From concept to creation, I help self-published and aspiring self-published novelists write unforgettable and unputdownable books by creating a deep and meaningful connection with their stories that ultimately creates a deep and meaningful connection with their readers! Sign up today to get a coupon for 10% off anything in my digital shop!

Read more from Finally write the novel burning in your soul!
A carved sign that reads You Are Awesome

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